There is a simple way of building your brand online and moving your customers through the customer journey. And yet, few companies take time to do it.

gratitude💝 Gratitude 💝

Showing your customers appreciation is one of the easiest steps to build a closer relationship with the buyer and elevate your brand above the competition.

It proves your authenticity and can help turn your loyal customers into your biggest cheerleaders.

Let’s face it, happy customers are likely to spread the word about your product/service and praise the excellent customer service experience they had when engaging with you and your brand.

So, how can you show your customers appreciation? We’ve listed our favourite activities below. 👇 👇




1. Public shout-outs

Say thank you on any of the platforms your customers use and interact with you ( most popular: Twitter, Facebook or Instagram).

Use their handle or tag them in a post to send some appreciation. By doing so, all of your and THEIR followers will see the message.

2. Listen and follow up

All comments and DMs deserve a reply. Listen carefully to what Having response templates handy will save you time when responding to comments.

You can customise them to adjust the message, just ensure your brand voice stays consistent.

3. Reward top customers/followers

Surprise your followers with a Facebook or Instagram giveaway. Reward your loyal customers with a special prize and boost engagement ratings at the same time. 

4. Share user-generated content on your channels

If your customers have engaging social media content, use your product or service or write an interesting article, re-share it! Give them access to your audience for a wider reach.

Create a hashtag that customers/followers can use on their own posts. Always seek the owner’s permission before sharing their content.

5. Be there once the sale is closed

Genuine relationships are valued. Remember customers’ special occasions, and check in with them once the sale is closed: do they have any questions or face any issue with your service or product? Be more like Mr Miyagi or Yoda supporting customers on their journey to success. 

The bottom line

Customers are hard to earn and easy to lose. Start by focusing on building and retaining a strong relationship with your existing followers and customers.  This is your smallest viable market. It’s easier to sell more to the people who already know and appreciate you than to the completely cold market.

Show your gratitude and do it like you mean it. Your followers will pick up any insincerity in no time! 

Have a question about any of the above techniques or need help with implementing them in your business? We’d love to hear from you. Book your discovery call today.